So when we scheduled this session last week I was hoping for a little bit of snow to fall. It was in the forecast and there wasn't any on the ground at that time. So I got what I asked for - and it was a "be careful what you wish for"moment for me. Because that was not what I had in mind when I was wishing for a "bit" of snow! So we not only had to change locations the night before but after getting my vehicle all cleared off and dug out of the snow I back out into the cul-de-sac and get stuck! How embarrassing! So then for the first time ever I was the one to have to reschedule - which I still feel bad about. Lucky for me as I'm out there swearing under my breath a few of my neighbours who had been watching joined me and helped get me back into my parking spot.
So the next day staying at my Aunt and Uncles I was able to walk to the location as the ploughs had yet to clear the roads. So I set out to meet up with this lovely expectant couple who despite the rain made the best of it and totally rocked it. This Mama was never without a smile and she was trudging around in snow up to her knees - literally! I had a hard time myself so imagine doing it 8 months preggers! I give her so much credit for getting out there and just embracing it for what it was. She deserves a cookie and a gold star ;) This was my first session of 2015 and it was definitely one to remember! Congratulations to you both and all the best with your new adventures in parenthood, may 2015 be your best year yet!
Blush coloured Ashleigh Maternity gown - Just Hatched Designs Photography Props