As promised.... a little bit of behind the scenes from my collaboration with Opal Michel Photos.
Opal did hair and make-up on our lovely model - who believe it or not has a 4 month old! Props to her for coming out and spending the day with us.
We started off with combining a few concepts - some big wild hair to start of course
Alexis putting o her younique mascara which she so kindly convinced me to try lol it really was a pretty amazing difference.
then we moved onto make-up - something bold
Always a good idea to have your concept inspirations at hand ;) Pinterest is my fav
Adding a bit of red as a finishing touch. And off to our location we went.
The lighting in this spot was pure magic. I was in awe of the images I was capturing and the amazing haze we were getting. Here's Opal chimping with our model, showing her how awesome she looked ;)
A few adjustments - addition of the antlers that I borrowed from my Uncle and I make-shift attached to a headband with some black lace so that I could easily return them without any damage.
And Bam!
Here's a SOOC ( straight out of camera ) and finished edit Before and After shot.
Thank you again to all those who helped out or contributed to this stylised session. It was nice to be shooting something totally different and have such creative freedom. And just one more image from this lovely session .....
Be sure to check back for the upcoming Winter beauty session in early December ;)